Hemeroscopium House from Ensamble Studio. This unusual home are created with a unique design to remind the owner of a very memorable moment in his life, that is falling in love. The construction and the building’s unique shape makes this home more attractive and easy to remember. This Hemeroscopium house is also equipped with two swimming pools are separate and have different directions. One of the prominent and eye-catching are the pillars supporting the V-shaped pond at the top.
With the form disappears giving way to barren space and embodies the peak of its equilibrium with the Ensemble Studio cites as the “G spot”, a granite block of twenty tons, an expression of gravity and balance throughout the physical structure. Houses built by Anton Garcia-Abril architects from Ensamble studio is also promoting the comfort residents, so space to relax and play easily found in this house. Now, let’s see the picture of this extraordinary and amazing dream home a Hemeroscopium House from Ensamble Studio at below, hope you inspiring.

for more information visit Ensamble studio