Elegance Apartment Design with Classical Swedish Style in Stockholm

Elegance apartment design with classical Swedish style in Stockholm. This luxurious apartment has unusual design that using traditional concepts of classical. Which makes it look more beautiful apartment is a detail of furniture which is also combined with classical concepts. While the plain white walls are left to give the impression of a minimalist and […]

Creative Working Space Design Ideas : When Modern and Classic Concept Mixed

Here are creative working space design ideas : when modern and classic concept mixed. This creative and cozy working room design are created by Chilid by mixing contemporary stuff with classical interior decor. This unique workplace has a distinctive and attractive impression because of ornaments and decorations unusual space.   It is very fitting method […]

Contemporary Townhouse Design with Airy Interior – Miami Beach House

Here are, a contemporary townhouse design ideas with airy interior design. A miami beach townhouse design, features an outdoor relaxing space. The villa features truly incredible view of the beach and offers several places to spend time outdoors. Although inside it is also excellent. With a contemporary interior decoration done completely neutral color theme. There […]

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